Behind Closed Doors: Red Bull Management Reveals Shocking Conversations with Alonso

Helmut Marko has acknowledged having discussions with Fernando Alonso regarding a potential seat for 2025, but he worries that the Spaniard might not have meshed well with Max Verstappen.

With Sergio Perez’s future uncertain and even speculation about Verstappen’s departure, it’s clear that Red Bull has been considering other options. Although Alonso is the elder statesman of the 2024 grid, his talent and dedication remain undeniable.

Helmut Marko makes wild Fernando Alonso claim as verdict dealt on Red Bull  rumours | F1 | Sport |

Alonso, who has committed to Aston Martin, admitted to talking with other teams but did not specify which ones. However, Marko has now disclosed that Red Bull was one of them.

“There were conversations,” Marko told Germany’s “But as I mentioned before, a harmonious work environment is crucial for Max, and I believe that probably wouldn’t have been the case with Alonso.

“I think it would be very challenging for a team,” he continued. “Alonso would be the oldest world champion on the team, Max the youngest, and they belong to different generations. I don’t think Alonso engages in sim racing or uses a simulator on a plane right after a Grand Prix.

“They are two very different personalities,” he added. “Both are excellent drivers and strong personalities. Neither is particularly modest. Managing them positively within a team would be very, very difficult.”

Despite Alonso no longer being an ideal fit for Red Bull, Marko admitted that the team had initially approached the Spaniard when they first entered Formula 1.

“You can’t achieve everything in life, but it largely depends on the driver’s personality, and once again I commend him for his incredible performance despite his age,” said Marko.

“We talked to Alonso in the early years of Red Bull Racing. I don’t think he believed we were capable of building championship-winning cars at the time. It didn’t work out.”

Meanwhile, despite a strong start to the season, Sergio Perez’s performance has dipped in recent race weekends. When asked if he was worried about Perez’s form, Christian Horner said, “No, I don’t think so. He’s driven very well so far this year.

“Imola was a tricky qualifying session or a tricky Saturday for him, going back to FP3,” he added. “But considering his drives across a variety of circuits this year, he’s performing well. In due course, we’ll decide what we’re going to do.”

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