Cash-Desperate Chargers Laying Off Key Players to Solve Salary Issues

The Los Angeles Chargers are currently grappling with significant salary cap challenges, facing a necessity to potentially trade seasoned pass rushers Khalil Mack and/or Joey Bosa. The team finds itself in the most precarious cap situation in the league, exceeding the allotted number by $20.5 million as of the latest update. With the official start of the league year approaching on March 13th, the Chargers have a mere three days to rectify their financial standing and adhere to salary cap regulations.

One feasible approach to address this issue involves the potential trade or release of these pass-rushing stars. Khalil Mack, coming off a remarkable 17-sack season, faces the reality of his age-33 season with a substantial $38.5 million cap hit. Meanwhile, Joey Bosa, plagued by limited appearances in the past two seasons, carries a $36.6 million cap hit for 2024.

The Chargers’ course of action hinges on their desired salary cap space. Releasing Mike Williams could free up $20 million, and a few additional transactions could cover the remaining $500,000 needed for cap compliance. Yet, if the aim is to engage in free agency, trading either Mack or Bosa becomes a crucial step. Despite Mack’s superior performance last season, his age prompts a potential savings of $23.25 million. On the other hand, parting ways with the injury-prone Bosa would save $14.3 million in 2024 and eliminate his $32.9 million cap hit in 2025.

Joey Bosa put on weight, hopes to be better against the run - NBC Sports


Trading Mack and Bosa, however, may not yield a substantial return, given their high salaries relative to their impact and associated risks. The Chargers may resort to releasing one of these players if a trade partner isn’t found.

Several teams emerge as potential suitors, taking into account their cap space and pass-rushing needs:

1. Chicago Bears: With ample cap space and a budding quarterback on a rookie contract, the Bears could bolster their pass rush with Mack or Bosa.

2. Houston Texans: As their championship window opens, the Texans could benefit from experienced veterans like Mack or Bosa to complement their emerging talents.

3. Detroit Lions: Needing more than just Aidan Hutchinson, the Lions could address a crucial defensive gap by acquiring Mack or Bosa.

4. Las Vegas Raiders: With Maxx Crosby standing out but lacking notable support, the Raiders, under head coach Antonio Pierce, may consider adding Mack or Bosa for an improved pass rush.

5. Jacksonville Jaguars: Seeking an upgrade to their defense, the Jaguars could look to Mack or Bosa to fortify their ranks after a challenging previous season.

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