Insights gleaned from Auburn Football’s initial observation period during spring practice.

Auburn has commenced its second spring camp under the guidance of Hugh Freeze.

The Auburn football program graciously permitted the media a brief glimpse of the initial practice session of the camp, yielding several noteworthy observations:

– Notably, Malik Blocton appeared impressively large, validating the praise he received from program insiders during bowl practices. His stature defies that of a typical freshman.

– Transfer lineman Gage Keys displayed a lengthy frame and exhibited agility during drills.

– Trill Carter, shadowing Jayson Jones in the drills observed, possesses a low center of gravity, potentially posing challenges in maneuvering within the trenches.

– The quarterback rotation began with Payton Thorne, Holden Geriner, Hank Brown, and Walker White, with subsequent rotations and adjustments following the initial cycle.

– During the session, offensive linemen primarily worked in pairs. Common pairings included Percy Lewis and Dillon Wade, Seth Wilfred and EJ Harris, Dylan Senda, and Clay Wedin, and Jeremiah Wright and Izavion Miller.

– Towards the conclusion of the observation period, all quarterbacks showcased their throwing abilities, with transfer tight end Rico Walker notably displaying agility despite his size. Additionally, Koy Moore exhibited agility and eagerness to demonstrate acceleration after making receptions.

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